Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Why the Middle Matters

When asked, I often tell people how lucky I am.  I know I may be giving away our secret, but I can't help it. Honestly, who else gets to spend their days immersed in great writing and talking about what makes it work?  At the same time, we are daring enough to try it out ourselves knowing full well how daunting a task it really is.  But when we get an idea down or capture a moment in time with words, it's magic.  

As if this weren't enough, we're doing all this alongside one of the most crucial group of readers and writers out there, middle school students.  Let's face it, life for middle school students can be challenging.   For them, the world as they know it is in continual flux.  Friendships evolve, relationships change, and new realities emerge.  Even their own bodies become unrecognizable.  Finding their place amidst all this upheaval is so critical.   How do they do it?  One way is by finding relevance in story and having plenty of opportunities to develop their own voice.  

As their Reading/Language Arts teachers,  our job is to help each and every student find his/her place in a book, in the classroom, in their world.  Of course the art of it is in how we do it.  We do it by using our own voices.  We do it by drawing from our own experiences.  We do it by applying what we know about good teaching and learning.  And since we are all different, we do this in our own unique ways while striving to provide a consistent and rigorous program through our shared commitment, collaboration, and approach.

With this in mind, I offer this blog as a place for us to share our successes and consider our challenges.  It's also a place for us access resources, voice ideas, and sign up to collaborate with me and your peers.  And in the spirit of collaboration, if you have an idea or link that would be great to add to this blog, please let me know.  

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